The weekend of the 26th-27th of March 2022, was the date of a landmark event organised by Public Child Protection Wales and supporters -their 24 hour “Skatathon. which took place on the south coast of Wales, Aberavon promenade. Twenty-five skaters and skateboarders converged on its park and waterfront in order to fulfil the goal of having someone constantly skating round the clock.

The weather was impeccable, making conditions ideal for participants and onlookers alike. Some of the skaters were total novices and were learning on the job. Despite the odd inglorious fall, no-one was injured, the worst after- effects being the odd bruise and aching muscles. Some of the novices feel that by now, they would like to keep skating as a part of their life and intend to hone their hurriedly- developed skills, and perfect the art of braking which they hadn’t had time to conquer prior to the Skatathon. A special mention is deserved by all the children who partook in the event and who displayed great endurance and perseverance. Some children opted to skate one hour for each year of their life. They were the stars of the show.
The weekend ticked so many boxes, combining an opportunity for fun on a family level with the satisfaction of spreading awareness to the general public through leafleting and discussion, whilst all the time generating vital funds towards facilitating an upcoming legal battle. The fact that it also spanned much of Mothering Sunday added to its special nature, in all, it was a resounding success on so many counts, and every-one who participated felt enriched

Public generosity was outstanding and although the donations are still being counted, the preliminary estimate would appear to be around £1,500 which far surpasses expectations.
Written by Joan Ginsberg